Monthly Prayer Meeting
This prayer gathering, usually held on the first Wednesday of the month from 7.30 – 8.30pm is held utilising Zoom and our phone-in facility. Please contact us if you would like joining detail.
Lent Prayer
There is a special focus during Lent when the congregation are encouraged to commit to pray for 30 minutes each day.
Thy Kingdom Come (TKC)
This is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. We encourage participation with it being our hope and prayer that those who have not heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love for the world, will hear it for themselves and respond and follow Him.
Healing Ministry
A large part of Jesus’ ministry on earth was involved with healing the sick. We believe that Jesus still heals people and we are commanded in the Bible to pray for the sick.
We are keen to support people through prayer, and we have folks who are available to pray for healing, a specific situation or any other issue. Additionally, we have in place an ‘emergency’ prayer chain which exists to allow people to pray for any given specific situation should a need arise.
Prayer is an important part of daily life and we encourage all to pray regularly. To assist, we produce a monthly prayer diary which is made available to all our members.