There is a lot happening at Craigowl. Here is a list of what is available at the moment. All of the groups would love to see new faces (as well as the ‘old’). If you want to have more information about any specific group, please Contact Us and we will try to get answers to any queries raised.
For more details about each group, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Badminton Group – from 7.45 – 9pm. You do not need to be an expert – all are welcome.
Friendship Group – meets fortnightly 2-4pm, commencing 16th September 2024. This is a newly formed group which replaces what was previously The Church of Scotland Guild. The group is open to men and women with a programme which offers an opportunity to hear a range of interesting speakers on a wide variety of topics. And of course, there is tea, coffee and an opportunity to chat.
Ladies Bible Study – as you would expect, this is a group of ladies who meet to study the Bible! There is an opportunity to sing, pray, chat and support one another – but the main focus is on reading the Bible together. Those who attend are constantly amazed at how much is learnt and how much God speaks to all through it.
At present, the group are meeting via Zoom and telephone on each Tuesday from 2 – 3pm and would be delighted to welcome anyone who would like to join. Contact us if you would like to receive log-in detail.
Carpet Bowling – this activity takes place over the winter months, commencing Tuesday 1st October 2024 and is open to all. Maybe you have never tried this – it’s good fun, so consider giving it a go. You don’t need to be an expert – friendly advice is available to anyone who has not bowled before. Like most of the activity taking place, there is included tea, coffee and chat. At present, there is both a morning session (10am prompt) and an evening session, (7pm prompt). Each session lasts two hours and you can choose to attend one or both sessions.
The Larder @ Craigowl Church – in response to the increasing level of hardship being experienced by folks in our community some food essentials are made available. The larder is open every Wednesday from 11.30am – 12.30pm. No referral is required. Larder membership is £2 per visit and this membership allows each person to receive 10 items from the available stock.
Entry is via our West Entrance which is off the car park on the way to Ardler Primary School. When attending, please bring your own bag.
Welcome Group – this multi-generational group which meets weekly, commencing 4th September 2024 is open to people of all ages.
At the moment, meetings are held in The Living Rooms. (No meetings during school holiday periods).
Welcome cuppa when you arrive and another to finish (£1.50 per week for refreshments). Each week there is a time for a chat as well as something from a range of activities e.g. speakers, DVDs, crafts, games – the list is endless! All are welcome…….and bring a friend or neighbour.
YoungLives Tayside – whilst not a group run under the auspices of Craigowl Church, for several years it has been supported by the church through the provision of premises and equipment. YoungLives, work specifically with mums under 21 and their children and has never wavered from the original vision to reach young mums by entering their world, modelling the unconditional love of Jesus and encouraging them to become the women and mothers God created them to be. In the words of the group meeting here at Craigowl they “encourage young mums to experience fun and friendship, support and significance!”.
The group meet every Thursday during term time from around 10.00am – 12.30pm.
For further information, you can engage with this group via their Facebook page. CLICK HERE
Youth Groups – there are two groups, each meeting on Thursdays.
- P6. P7. S1 group meets 5.30 – 6.45pm.
- Teen group (S2+) meets 7.30 – 8.30pm. This is run as a ‘drop-in’ opportunity.
Activity on offer includes gaming, dodgeball, inflatables, table games, pizza making, crafts……and lots more. Those attending are required to complete a Parent/Guardian Consent Form. £1 entry. Snacks and juice provided.
The group meets weekly during school term times and is run in partnership with YMCA Tayside.
Baby and Toddler Group – meets during school term time from 9.30 – 11.30am. Parents and grandparents, men and women, carers and child minders are all welcome with babies, toddlers and under 5 year old children. A nominal weekly charge is made of £1 for adults and 50p per child (4 months +) – maximum £2 per family.
British Sign Language (BSL) Group – generally in society there seems to be a lack of awareness of the difficulties people with different degrees of hearing impairment face in everyday life as well as those who are deaf.
A group from church and community meet fortnightly on Friday mornings from 9.30 – 10.45am., commencing 30th August 2024. The group discuss how we can raise awareness of hearing impairment, have an introduction to BSL (British Sign Language) meet new friends and have a cuppa (50p for tea/coffee/biscuit). This is an open group with new people joining week by week so feel welcome to come along.